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DX BULLETIN #07 / 15 APRIL [返事を書く]
* (Spirit of Australia) *
* *
* DX BULLETIN #07 / 15 APRIL 2002 *
* Edited by Lars 13IR102 & Rob 19IR04 *

! Information, reports and suggestions !
! must be sent to: !
! !
! bulletin@irdx.org !
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This bulletin contains only objective DX information's coming
from different resources. The redactor can not be held
responsible for any mistake or false information's.

It is absolute allowed to copy and distribute the DX News
Bulletin but please include the information's about the editors
and source where it comes from for the courtesy who created
this DX tool.

TO YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE: Dxpeditions or activations with
unknown end will be deleted 3 month after publication. From now
on we add this kind with the month when we get the information.
If you want to see your Dxpedition or activation for a longer
time on the list please contact us with the full information's.

You have Info for this List ? please send to: 13IR102@irdx.de

IRDX Group News

Called "I R C C" more Infos about, soon on www.irdx.org
From 01/01/2002 can use everybody and every QSM. info via
IRCC-MANAGER Manni 13IR769 Mailto: 13ir769@irdx.de

.... soon you will Find a List with all QSL-Manager
accept "IRCC" on www.dxnews.de
for join it please contact me 13IR102@irdx.de

2nd International Radio Meeting ITALIA
Modena 27.April - 28.April
For Info contact Stefano 1ir749@irdx.org


Date : 1st Weekend 09.May (6:00utc) - 12.May (12:00utc)
Date : 2nd Weekend 17.May (6:00utc) - 20.May (12:00utc)
Island Weekend Manager 2002 : Mr.Lars 13IR102
contact: islands@irdx.org or
P.O.Box 1410 D-91152 Roth - homepage: www.iota.dxzone.de
a list with all Islands on Air will be shown on 09.May !!
btw: Island-Manager is not qsl-manager ! If you like to get
confirmation you must take normal QSL-ROUTE via QSL-Manager.

On The Air Now

103FAT/DX Haiti 01/03/02 500 Prog.
Eric, P.O.Box 271, 67606 Selestat CDX, France

103RK/0 Haiti 01/11/01 1000 Prog.
Luigi, P.O.Box 94, 70037 Ruvo-BA, Italy

106SP/DX Ceuta & Melilla 10/01/02 1000 Prog.
Sebas, P.O.Box 428, 07300 Inca-BI, Spain

10RC/DX Mexico 01/02/02 500 Prog.
Stephane, P.O.Box 3, 18500 Foecy, France

10RCB/DX Mexico 07/10/01 1000 Prog.
Dario, P.O.Box 20, 20027 Rescaldino (MI), Italy

115SD/DX Qatar 19/01/02 1000 Prog.
Dino, P.O.Box 1, 23879 Verderio- Lecco, Italy

11RMA/DX Puerto Rico 01/07/01 1000 Prog.
Paco, P.O.Box 4109, 03080 Alicante, Spain

11WD/DX Puerto Rico 01/08/01 700 Prog.
Alberto, P.O.Box 8, 50065 Pontassieve-FI, Italy

126CS/0 Nicaragua 01/12/01 1000 Prog.
Alfio, P.O.Box 15, 33051 Aquileia-UD, Italy

148IR/DX Ascension Island 01/01/02 30/06/02
Herbert, P.O.Box 8, 5351 Aigen, Austria

166RK/DX St.Maarten & Saba.Isl. 01/09/01 1000 Prog.
Santi, P.O.Box 5, 98028 S.Teresa-ME, Italy

173OR/DX Reunion Island 01/03/02 30/09/02
OR-Group, P.O.Box 26, 03700 Bellevive/A, France

195TRC/0 Grenada Island 01/11/01 500 Prog.
Nasko, P.O.Box 49, 6100 Kazanlak, Bulgaria

196RC/DX Guardaloupe 02/03/02 500 Prog.
Stephane, P.O.Box 3, 18500 Foecy, France

215FAT/0 Gabun Republic 01/04/02 1000 Prog.
Jeann-Nnicolas, P.O.Box 50728, 44007 Nantes cdx 1, France

233CS/0 Romania 01/12/01 1000 Prog.
Alfio, P.O.Box 15, 33051 Aquileia-UD, Italy

234AT/DX Afghanistan 15/04/02 ??/06/02
Juan, P.O.Box 412, 11100 San Fernando, Spain

251BIG/DX Albania 01/11/01 1000 Prog.
Tony, P.O.Box 1141, 90146 Palermo, Italy

266DX/1 Malawi 07/04/02 17/04/02
Xavier, P.O.Box 1551, 48080 Bilbao, Spain

279SD/0 Willis Island 15/03/02 04/05/02
look in HOT STATIONS 279SD101

28OT/DX Honduras 01/02/02 500 Prog.
Mario, P.O.Box 100, 15562 Ruedersdorf, Germany

301AS/DX Armenia 25/02/02 500 Prog.
Panos, P.O.Box 3795, 13201 Petroupoli, Greece

314SD/DX Turkoman 19/01/02 1000 Prog.
Yannick, P.O.Box 1, 64300 Malacq, France

315RS/0 Ukraine 01/05/01 1000 Prog.
Mauro, P.O. Box 7045, 16148 Genova-GE, Italy

331RCA/DX Bosnia/Hercegovina 10/02/02 10/06/02
Bruno, P.O.Box 12, 51110 Warmerville, France

33SD/DX Alaska 01/02/02 31/12/02
Dino, P.O.Box 1, 23879 Verderio- Lecco, Italy

33TRC/0 Alaska 01/03/02 31/09/02
Nasko, P.O.Box 49, 6100 Kazanlak, Bulgaria

41AS/DX New Zealand 01/02/02 200 Prog.
Jim, P.O.Box 63501, 15202 Filothei, Greece

44TRC/0 South Africa 24/03/02 1000 Prog.
Nasko, P.O.Box 49, 6100 Kazanlak, Bulgaria

61AS/DX Ecuador 24/12/01 500 Prog.
Jim, P.O.Box 63501, 15202 Filothai, Greece

61LD/DX Ecuador 20/01/02 500 Prog.
Paolo, P.O.Box 2, 25017 Lonato, Italy

67IR/DX Paraguay 15/01/02 1000 Prog.
Paco, P.O.Box 212, 41710 Utrera, Spain

69AS/DX Costa Rica 01/12/01 200 Prog.
Jim, P.O.Box 63501, 15202 Filothei, Greece

6RMA/DX Colombia 20/12/01 1000 Prog.
Paco, P.O.Box 4109, 03080 Alicante, Spain

75RMA/DX Azores Islands 20/12/01 1000 Prog.
Paco, P.O.Box 4109, 03080 Alicante, Spain

76RK/DX Marocco 30/11/01 30/10/02
Willem, P.O.Box 3048, 4800DA Breda, Holland

80WD/DX Bolivia 01/12/01 1000 Prog.
Riccardo, P.O.Box 9, 50065 Pontassieve, Italy

92PAS/DX Lybia 01/07/01 1000 Prog.
Marcos, P.O.Box 1921, 33080 Oviedo, Spain

97AS/DX Israel 01/01/02 500 Prog.
Panos, P.O.Box 3795, 13201 Petroupoli, Greece

Coming Soon

113IR/DX W.Malaysia 20/05/02 02/06/02
Andre, P.O.Box 387, 2600AJ Delft, Holland

140AA-URA Antarctica soon Day,
P.O.Box B19, 01001 Kyiv, Ukraine

149IR/0 Laccadive Island /04/02 /04/02
Jan, P.O.Box 3245, 2601 DE Delft, Holland

203IR174 China soon soon

311DQ/0 Lithuania 24/04/02 28/04/02
Slawek, P.O.Box 56, 87800 Wloclawek-2, Poland

331IR/DX Bosnia/Hercegovina 18/05/02 25/05/02
Lars, P.O.Box 1410, 91142 Roth, Germany

36IR/DX Rep. of San Marino 23/06/02 30/06/02
Herbert, P.O.Box 8, 5351 Aigen, Austria

97AT/DX Israel 19/05/02 26/05/02
Georges, P.O.Box 6, 92173 Vanves-cdx, France

I.O.T.A. - Islands On The Air

133FAT/OC086 Saipan Island 15/01/02 500 Prog.
Laurent, P.O.Box 63, 56854 Caudan CDX, France

13FAT/EU042 Foehr Island 15/01/02 500 Prog.
Eliane, P.O:Box 10, 83910 Pourrieres, France

143FAT/NA108 San Lucia Isl. 01/02/02 1500 Prog.
Laurent, P.O.Box 63, 56854 Caudan CDX, France

163FAT/EU124 Holy Island 15/01/02 500 Prog.
Eric, P.O.Box 271, 67606 Selestat CDX, France

166RC/NA145 Saba Island 01/02/02 500 Prog.
Stephane, P.O.Box 3, 18500 Foecy, France

18AS/EU075 Aegina Island 05/10/01 1000 Prog.
Eugene, P.O.Box 18777, 11603 Athens, Greece

20LD/EU003 Hinnoya Island 04/01/02 500 Prog.
Luis, P.O.Box 11092, 46006 Valencia, Spain

230SD/OC011 Micronesia Isl. 13/03/02 1000 Prog.
Steve, P.O.Box 15, 79110 Chef-Boutonne, France

24SD/NA203 Iguana Island 01/02/02
Pepe, P.O.Box 105, 11500 Puerto Real, Spain

33LD/NA019 Kodiak Island 04/01/02 500 Prog.
Luis, P.O.Box 11092, 46006 Valencia, Spain

3IR/SA071 Santo Amaro Island 15/01/02 500 Prog.
Paco, P.O.Box 212, 41710 Utrera, Spain

63FAT/AF022 St. Helena Island 18/12/01 1500 Prog.
Laurent, P.O.Box 63, 56854 Caudan CDX, France

79FAT/OC042 Luzon Island 15/01/02 500 Prog.
Laurent, P.O.Box 63, 56854 Caudan CDX, France

I.O.T.A. - Islands Soon On The Air

14FAT/EU094 8 diff. Islands 06/05/02 12/05/02
Davis, P.O.Box 13, 29910 Trequnc, France

178AT/EU181 Sveta Anastasya Isl. 16/08/02 17/08/02
Simon, P.O.Box 178, 70056 Molfetta ( BA ), Italy

18AS/EU067 Andros Island 2nd part 01/05/02 08/05/02
Panos, P.O.Box 3795, 13201 Petropoli, Greece

25SD/AS008 Oshima Island soon
Toshi, P.O.Box 51, 654-8791 Suma Kobe, Japan

25SD/AS017 Okinawa Island soon
Toshi, P.O.Box 51, 654-8791 Suma Kobe, Japan

Holiday - Stations

10/13IR101 Mexico 10/01/02
Heike, P.O.Box 1410, 91142 Roth, Germany

117/161IR999 Egypt 01/04/02 31/12/02
Marek, P.O.Box 6, 22-104 Chelm-5, Poland

165/13TRC123 Sardinia Island 19/05/02 31/05/02
Chris, P.O.Box 1866, 89508 Heidenheim, Germany

165/13TRC123/CA014 Sant Antioco Island 19/05/02 31/05/02
Chris will qsl first !!!!

2IR/NY001 (iwi) Grand Island 01/04/02 500 Prog.
Rob, B.O.Box 22, 3140AA Maasluis, Netherlands

2IR/NY028 (iwi) Goat Island 01/04/02 500 Prog.
Rob, B.O.Box 22, 3140AA Maasluis, Netherlands



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