[新しく発言をつくる] [EXIT] [新!各種無線機改造情報掲示板]

  TS-930のSG化 東京湾 2001/06/05 15:54:37 
  ExpandedR.F.ontheKenwoodTS930S 通りがかり 2001/06/05 19:13:10 
Re: TS-930のSG化 [返事を書く]
Expanded R.F. on the Kenwood TS 930 S

Disconnect the power and antenna.

Remove the top and bottom covers of the radio.

Remove the four screws from the speaker mounting and the top panel assembly.

Swing the assembly away and unplug the Red/Black battery leads from the digital unit X54-168-00.

Solder small ga. wires between the following locations.
IC21 pin 12 to IC11 pin 9
IC22 pin 12 to IC12 pin 9
IC23 pin 12 to IC24 pin 8

Tack sodering on the component side of the board is O.K.

Reassemble the radio

通りがかり 2001/06/05 19:13:10
   ├確か、送信はできるようになりますが、オー... 半人前 2001/06/05 21:12:44 
   └すばやい回答をありがとうございます。 東京湾 2001/06/06 14:09:06 

[新!各種無線機改造情報掲示板] [EXIT]