[新しく発言をつくる] [EXIT] [FW-6280BXDR/155ユーザー情報交換BBS]
New FW-6280BXDR System, Please Help...

  New FW-6280BXDR System, Please Help... bitRAKE 2001/05/08 06:23:00 
New FW-6280BXDR System, Please Help... [返事を書く]
Do you know of any sources of help in English?
I have a Rev.C board and want to buy the fastest chips that have been tested to work on this board without modifying the motherboard - what CPUs to buy?
Thank you very much,
bitRAKE :)
p.s. I will read and try to understand the posts through translation (Bablefish)
bitRAKE 2001/05/08 06:23:00
  Hey!Looklikeyougotaproblem.Thismotherboa... toto 2001/05/08 23:15:28 
   └ItseemslikenooneinAmericahasthisboard,an... bitRAKE 2001/07/19 08:16:11 

[FW-6280BXDR/155ユーザー情報交換BBS] [EXIT]